Responsible Poppy Latipah
Last Update 21/09/2023
Completion Time 3 days 11 hours 58 minutes
Members 7
  • Inventory Adjustment
    • Inventory Basics & Your First Warehouse Operations | Odoo Inventory
      10 xp
    • Inventory Adjustment Techniques | Odoo Inventory
      10 xp
    • Units of Measures | Odoo Inventory
      10 xp
    • Integrate Landed Costs | Odoo Inventory
      10 xp
  • Track Your Products
    • Using Routes | Odoo Inventory
      10 xp
    • Push & Pull Rules | Odoo Inventory
      10 xp
    • Managing Lots | Odoo Inventory
      10 xp
    • Managing Serial Numbers | Odoo Inventory
      10 xp
    • Removal Strategies | Odoo Inventory
    • Picking Methods | Odoo Inventory
      10 xp
    • Working with perishable products | Odoo Inventory
      10 xp